29 junio 2012

11 junio 2012


*Este es un ejemplo del proyecto donde se hacen tablas comparativas entre AUSTRALIA y ESTADOS UNIDOS

*Pueden descargar un ejemplo de presentación en PowerPoint AQUÍ

About Us
-Same sort of TV shows 
We're older and multiage class. 
-Start school at 9am 
Our school year starts in February 
-We study similar subjects 
School uniform is compulsory 
-Mixed gender school 

-Speak English 

About Our Families
We all have different types of families. 

We live with our parents. 

Some parents have lots of money, some don't 

 Spell mum - mom 
Some of us have pets 

A Day in Our Lives

Finish school at different times. 

No snow days off. Bushfire days off.
Similar subjects 

Most  walk or go by car to school. 
Same routines in the morning. 

No canteen or cafeteria 

Eat at different times 
Play outside in the summer 

We eat some of the same foods 
We eat some different foods 

Our Environments

No snow 

No big wild animals, only small 

No farms nearby 

Spring is quite warm 

Trees mostly don't lose leaves 
Water - creeks/lake 

We are on different sides of the equator 

It's nighttime here when it's daytime there 

Our Cultures
Public holidays 
We have only 4 public holidays 
We celebrate birthdays 

We have only one flag in our school 

We are called a Primary School, we have 7 year levels 

We have 5 weeks vacation over summer. 
We celebrate with food and decorations 

We remember the people who fought in the wars 

Many Christian festivals - Easter& Christmas 

Different Flags 

We say "barbeque" and you say "barbie" 
We say "hello" or "hi" and you say "g'day mate"